
Proven design for effective operations with energy savings for Clariflocculators in various drive formats as per customers’ requirements.

Pier Mounted Peripheral Driven ClariFlocculator Mechanism comprises of a Single Tank with a combination of flocculation and clarification. It contains 2 concentric tanks : inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and the outer tank serves as a clarifier.

ClariFlocculators are used for primary and secondary clarification.
The water enters the flocculator where the paddles enhance flocculation of the feed solids. The heavy particles settle to the bottom, the liquid flows radially upward in the clarifier zone. The clarified liquid is discharged over a peripheral weir into the peripheral launder. The deposited sludge is raked to the bottom near the central weir from where it is routed to the sludge chamber and discharged.

ClariFlocculators combine both flocculation as well as clarification. for water, wastewater and effluent treatment plants


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